CMYK Four-Colour Photogravure Workshop
Visual artists Marlene MacCallum, David Morrish, and Pierre LeBlanc conducted a workshop on four-colour photogravure at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College. The trio created the Sequential Imaging Laboratory or Sillis and in 2007 was awarded a multi-year Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research/Creation Grant for their project Creating the Visual Book Through Integration of the Divergent Technologies of Photogravure and Digital Processes. In their research, they explore how historical and contemporary technologies co-exist and expand on each other’s limitations. The impact of integrating the different tools/technologies is considered in all stages of the work, from the initial genesis through to transmission to the audience and its reception. This workshop marked the halfway point in their research and is part of the knowledge mobilization/dissemination of the project.
The invited participants were David Scott Armstrong from York University - Toronto, Mark Bovey from NSCAD University - Halifax, Steven Dixon from University of Alberta - Edmonton, Nancy Fox from University of Toronto and Asa Muir-Harmony from Crown Point Press - San Francisco. Also contributing to the workshop were Rachel Anstey and myself as research assistants. During the five day workshop the group went through the entire process of creating a four-colour photogravure from the starting point of a digital file to the final stage of a traditionally printed four-colour photogravure print.